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HMF Bloemenzee in Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel

General Information

HMF Bloemenzee is located in the Reigerhof shopping center in Nieuwerkerk a / d IJssel. The mall currently consists of 52 stores from various branches. Since 2002, HMF Bloemenzee has been active at this location with the sale of flowers, plants and related items.

Florist Details


Opening hours

13:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 17:00

HMF Bloemenzee

Reigerhof 70
2914KD Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel

Company history

HMF Flowers and Plants is a real family business. The first generation Hendriks started selling flowers in the 1920s by walking past the doors with a basket. After a few years, an old truck could be purchased and the streets could be used. This went so well that for a number of years a real marketplace and a parking space could be purchased and a lively trade ensued. During that time a lot of hard work was done. That ultimately paid off.
The second generation of Hendriks expanded things even further. A wholesaler in the USA and Berlin, among others, but also in the Netherlands, there was a considerable expansion with a total of 5 stores in Amsterdam, a business in Nieuwerkerk a / d IJssel, Maarssenbroek and Alphen a / d Rijn.

It is now the third generation's turn to ensure further expansion of the family business in the Netherlands. Raymon and Jordy Hendriks were taken from childhood and grew up in the trade of father Hendriks. They are now 37 and 30 years old and over the years have gained ample experience as a store manager but also as a buyer at the Flower Auction in Aalsmeer.

Raymon and Jordy will continue the chosen path of HMF Flowers and Plants. In addition to expanding the number of HMF stores in the Netherlands, they will always ensure that a very competitive purchasing policy ensures that you as a consumer receive the best quality at the best possible price.