Same-day delivery? Order before 14:00

de Biedermeier van der Elsken in Amsterdam

General Information

Florist De Biedermeier van der Elsken in beautiful Amsterdam is the right place for beautiful flowers and plants. For regional flower delivery they deliver in the area.

So if you want flowers delivered to Amsterdam and the surrounding area, look no further and choose De Biedermeier van der Elsken as your delivery florist.

You are then assured of quality and good care


Have you received a beautiful bouquet? With these tips and a little extra care and love on your part, they will last even longer. Cut them diagonally extra and do not place them in ice cold, but in lukewarm water. This gives them an extra boost. And if there is any leaf in the water, remove it. As a result, bacteria are less likely to develop vision. Region Florist wishes you a lot of pleasure with your bouquet!


We deliver the bouquets from Regiobloemist in our delivery region. You can choose us as a florist so that we can receive your flower order and deliver it to you. Choose us by clicking on the large pink button 'Choose this florist'. You can then easily place an order.

Florist Details


Delivery area

Opening hours

13:30 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00

de Biedermeier van der Elsken

Minervaplein t/o 24
NL-1077TR Amsterdam